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Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?

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descriptionPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  EmptyPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?

Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  Jagannath-temple
Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  Fb_img10

পুরী (Puri)-
..... বাঙালির চিরকালীন নস্টালজিয়া রয়েছে পুরীকে ঘিরে। ইতিহাসেও বহু প্রাচীনকাল থেকেই পুরী বা পুরুষোত্তম ক্ষেত্রের উল্লেখ পাওয়া যায়। ওড়িশার এই একান্ত বাঙালিপ্রবণ শহরটির মূল আকর্ষণ দীর্ঘ সমুদ্রতট আর জগন্নাথ দেবের মন্দির। পুরীর বিচগুলির মধ্যে স্বর্গদ্বারের প্রশস্তিই সবচেয়ে বেশি। পুরীর সমুদ্রে স্নান করার ব্যাপক চল থাকলেও সমুদ্র অনেকসময়ই বেশ বিপজ্জনক হয়ে ওঠে, তাই সাবধানতা নেওয়া উচিত। বেড়ানোর সেরা সময় অক্টোবর থেকে ফেব্রুয়ারী। তবে সারাবছরই ভিড় লেগে থাকে।
ভারতের হিন্দুদের চারধাম অর্থাৎ বদরীনাথ, দ্বারকা, রামেশ্বরম এবং পুরী। পুরাণের কথায়, শ্রীজগন্নাথ বদরীতে স্নান করে দ্বারকায় অঙ্গসজ্জা করেন। তারপর পুরীতে অন্নভোগ সেরে রামেশ্বরমে শয়ান বা বিশ্রাম নেন।
কথিত আছে, আদিতে সূর্যবংশীয় রাজা অবন্তীরাজ ইন্দ্রদ্যুম্ন স্বপ্নাদেশ পেয়ে জগন্নাথ মন্দিরটি তৈরি করেন। বর্তমান মন্দিরটি ১১০০ খ্রীষ্টাব্দে রাজা অনন্তবর্মন শুরু করলেও তাঁর পৌত্র রাজা অনঙ্গ ভীমদেবের আমলে ১১৯৮ খ্রীষ্টাব্দে সমাপ্ত হয়। গর্ভগৃহ বা মূল মন্দিরের উচ্চতা ১৯২ফুট। প্রবেশদ্বার চারটি- সিংহদ্বার, হস্তীদ্বার, অশ্বদ্বার ও খাঞ্জাদ্বার। এরমধ্যে সিংহদ্বারটি প্রধান। এখানেই কোনারক থেকে আনা অরুণ স্তম্ভটি রয়েছে। পূর্বদিকে মূল প্রবেশদ্বার বা সিংহদ্বার। ৬৭০ফুট দীর্ঘ ও ৬৪০ফুট চওড়া মন্দিরটি ওড়িশি শিল্পধাঁচে চার ভাগে বিভক্ত- ভোগমন্ডপ, নাটমন্দির, জগমোহন ও দেউল।
কথিত আছে, স্বপ্নাদেশে সমুদ্র থেকে পাওয়া কাঠের সাহায্যে জগন্নাথ, বলরাম ও সুভদ্রার মূর্তিটি তৈরি। মন্দিরের বেদিতে বলরাম, জগন্নাথ ও সুভদ্রার মূর্তির সঙ্গে রয়েছে লক্ষ্মী, সরস্বতী ও নীলমাধবের মূর্তিও। বিষ্ণুরই আরেক রূপ জগন্নাথ। মন্দিরচত্বরে আরও চল্লিশটি ছোটো মন্দির আছে। মন্দিরে শুধুমাত্র হিন্দুদের প্রবেশাধিকার আছে। ক্যামেরা, মোবাইল, চামড়ার কোনও জিনিস সঙ্গে নিয়ে ঢোকা নিষেধ।
পুরী শহরের আশেপাশে স্থানীয় দ্রষ্টব্যগুলি রিকশা বা অটোতে ঘুরে দেখে নেওয়া যায়। এরমধ্যে রয়েছে চক্রতীর্থ বা স্বর্গদ্বার, কানপাতা হনুমান, বিদুরপুরী, মহোদধি, সুদামাপুরী, সোনার গৌরাঙ্গ মঠ, শংকরাচার্য মঠ, কবির মঠ, নানক মঠ, রাধাকান্ত মঠ বা কাশীমিশ্র ভবন, সিদ্ধবকুল মঠ, শ্বেতগঙ্গা, শ্রীশ্রীগুণ্ডিচা মন্দির বা মাসির বাড়ি বা বাগানবাড়ি, দশাবতার মঠ, তোতা গোপীনাথজির মন্দির, কপালমোচন মন্দির ইত্যাদি।
পুরী থেকে ভুবনেশ্বরের পথে ১৭কিমি দূরে সাক্ষীগোপাল। দেবতা এখানে শ্রীকৃষ্ণ রূপে পূজিত হন। এই পথেই পুরী থেকে ৯কিমি দূরে চন্দনপুর থেকে আরও দেড় কিমি এগিয়ে পটচিত্রের জন্য খ্যাত রঘুরাজপুর।
সারাদিনের কন্ডাক্টেড ট্যুরে দেখে নেওয়া যায় কোণারক, নন্দনকানন, ভুবনেশ্বরের মন্দিরগুলো, খণ্ডগিরি, উদয়গিরি, ধৌলি বা ধবলেশ্বর ইত্যাদি।

যাওয়াঃ- নিকটতম রেলস্টেশন পুরী। ওড়িশার প্রতিবেশি রাজ্যগুলির বিভিন্ন জায়গা থেকে ও ওড়িশার বিভিন্ন শহরের সঙ্গে বাস যোগাযোগ রয়েছে পুরীর। পুরী থেকে কন্ডাক্টেড ট্যুরে কোনারক, উদয়গিরি-খণ্ডগিরি ও ভুবনেশ্বর বেড়িয়ে নেওয়া যায়।

থাকাঃ- পুরীর সমুদ্র ও জগন্নাথদেবের মন্দিরকে কেন্দ্র করে নানা বাজেটের অজস্র হোটেল ছড়িয়ে রয়েছে পুরো এলাকা জুড়ে। ধর্মশালাও আছে বেশ কয়েকটি। সস্তায় থাকার জন্য রয়েছে নানান সংস্থার হলিডে হোমগুলি। পুরীর এস টি ডি কোডঃ- ০৬৭৫২।

কেনাকাটাঃ- সমুদ্রের ধার জুড়ে শাঁখ, ঝিনুক, পাথরের নানান পসরা নিয়ে হাজির দোকানীরা। শহরেও মিলবে হস্তশিল্প বা তাঁতশিল্পের অনেক দোকান। কটকি, সম্বলপুরী শাড়ি, রঘুরাজপুরের পটশিল্প, পিপলির অ্যাপ্লিক, শাঁখ, ঝিনুক অথবা পাথরের ঘরসাজানোর জিনিস -এসবই হতে পারে পুরী বেড়ানোর স্মারক।

খাওয়াদাওয়াঃ- পুরী বেড়িয়ে এসে সবাইকে আর কিছু নাহোক গজা কিম্বা জগন্নাথের মহাপ্রসাদ চেনাপরিচিত সবাইকে দেওয়া বাঙালির এক রীতি। মন্দিরে পুজোর বিনিময়ে প্রসাদতো মেলেই, মন্দিরের আনন্দবাজারেও কিনতে পারা যায় এই মহাপ্রসাদ।

উৎসবঃ- পুরীর সেরা উৎসব জগন্নাথদেবের রথযাত্রা। আষাঢ় মাসে এই রথযাত্রা উৎসবে দেশি-বিদেশি লক্ষাধিক পুণ্যার্থী আসেন।
ডিসেম্বর মাসে স্বর্গদ্বার লাগোয়া সৈকতে অনুষ্ঠিত হয় বিচ ফেস্টিভাল।

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Last edited by Admin on Fri Mar 02, 2018 7:00 pm; edited 2 times in total

descriptionPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  EmptyRe: Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?


General Tips

◆ The standard time in Puri is GMT + 5 ½ Hours
◆ Govt of Odisha tourist offices are availbale at Railway station, Jagannath Temple, Sea Beach, Bus Stand and also in various tourist destinations.
◆ The summer is very hot and humid at Puri. Do carry sunglasses, sunscreen lotion and a hat. Current Weather at Puri
◆ The winter is not too cold at Puri. Do carry light winter clothes with you.
◆ You will find beggers in all tourist destinations, it is not mandatory to help them, try to avoid them as far as possible. Do not let them hassle you, and do not encourage them by giving them money.
◆ Change currency only from official money changers.
◆ Cyber cafes with Internet facility is available in some places of puri. Ask help for tke local people to find one.
◆ Always respect religious shrines and places of worship.
◆ Non Hindus are not allowed to enter into Lord Jagannath Temple. More rules of Jagannath Temple
◆ In case of any trouble, immediately contact the nearest police station.
◆ Make sure to remove your footwear when visiting a place of worship. All most all temples in Puri will not even allow you to carry leather articles like wallet, belt etc inside. You can deposit them in the temple shoe stand and collect it on your way out.

descriptionPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  EmptyRe: Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?


Safety Tips

◆ While travelling in/to various tourist places of/around Puri in local buses, trains etc. be aware of pick poketers and snatchers. Though it is not a frequent activity but many cases reported every year. Never leave your luggage, briefcase or other items unattended.
◆ Don’t keep your wallet in the rear pocket. Keep it in an inside jacket pocket or side trouser pocket.
◆ All valuables and important papers (jewelry, passports, return tickets, etc) should be kept in your hotel's safe deposit box. Never leave them unattended in your room. Avoid carrying large sums of cash on your person.
◆ Don’t take the advice of taxi drivers for the purpose of accommodation.
◆ You should be aware of the local laws and customs prevailing in India. This will help in making your trip hassle free.
◆ Never ever purchase air/ rail/ bus tickets through strangers or unauthorized travel agents/ tour operators, also known as touts. They are not at all reliable. Buy tickets from the authorized centers only.

descriptionPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  EmptyRe: Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?



The local language of Puri is Odia. The official language of India is Hindi. The States are free to decide their own regional languages. Bengali is also widely spoken in Puri.

Some Important Phrases

English ~~~~~~~~~~ Odia
Hi or Hello ~~~~~~~~~~ Namaskar
Please ~~~~~~~~~~ Daya Kari
Thank You ~~~~~~~~~~ Dhanyabad
Yes. ~~~~~~~~~~ Haan
No ~~~~~~~~~~ Nahin
Where can I find ~~~~~~~~~~ Kauthi miliba
I am from Denmark ~~~~~~~~~~ Mu Denmark ru aasichi
Is this very far ~~~~~~~~~~ Kana seta bahuta dura
How much is this ~~~~~~~~~~ Eita Kete tanka
How are you? ~~~~~~~~~~ Aapana kimiti achanti?
Sorry ~~~~~~~~~~ Mu dukhita
Ok. ~~~~~~~~~~ Theek achi
What? ~~~~~~~~~~ Kana?
Where? ~~~~~~~~~~ Kauthi?
How? ~~~~~~~~~~ Kimiti?
When? ~~~~~~~~~~ Kebe?
Who? ~~~~~~~~~~ Kiye?
Why? ~~~~~~~~~~ Kahinki?
What is the price? ~~~~~~~~~~ Eta kete Tanka?
I don't understand. ~~~~~~~~~~ Mu bujhi parilini
What is your name? ~~~~~~~~~~ Aapana kan na kana?
My name is ~~~~~~~~~~ Mo na...
Right ~~~~~~~~~~ Dahana
Left ~~~~~~~~~~ Ban


English. ~~~~~~~~~~ Odia
One. ~~~~~~~~~~ Ek
Two. ~~~~~~~~~~ Dui
Three ~~~~~~~~~~ Teeni
Four ~~~~~~~~~~ Chaari
Five. ~~~~~~~~~~ Paanch
Six ~~~~~~~~~~ Cha
Seven ~~~~~~~~~~ Saat
Eight ~~~~~~~~~~ Aath
Nine ~~~~~~~~~~ Nau
Ten. ~~~~~~~~~~ Das
One hundred ~~~~~~~~~~ Sahe
Two hundred~~~~~~~~~~ Duisa

descriptionPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  EmptyRe: Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?


Tourist Guides

◆ Govt. approved english speaking guides are available at fixed charges at all important tourist centres. The Govt. of Odisha tourist Offices can be contacted by tourists for the services of approved guides. Please consult the nearest Govt. of Odisha tourist Office. Unapproved guides are also available in most tourist places, but it is advised to ask the guides for the identity card.
◆ While visiting religious places, hire guides very cautiously. They may take you to unnecessary places and crooks posing as Sadhus or Yogis to extract money out of you. Stick to the places you know and let the guide lead you.
◆ Fix the amount to be given to the guide in advance only. Apart from the fixed amount, you can also give some extra tip to the guide if he has provided you with good services.
◆ Hire guides authorized by the Indian government as far as possible. Try to avoid private guides. They may try to fleece you.

descriptionPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  EmptyRe: Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?


Health and Medication

◆ Avoid drinking water from an unknown source. When in doubt purchase Bisleri, Kinley, Aqua Fina etc mineral water bottles from any shop.
◆ Even when you are visiting restaurants or hotels, insist on bottled (mineral) water. You will not face much trouble as almost all the restaurants and hotels keep bottled water.
◆ You can find vendors selling fresh cocunut water every where in puri, If you like it then drink it in stead of water as it is safe, pure and good for health.
◆ Avoid foods that have been laid out in the open, avoid sweets and candies from local markets. Try and avoid spicy food, especially if you’re not used to it. Enjoy your food inside the hotels and restaurants.List of Restaurants at puri
◆ Pharmacies or chemists are available in every place of Puri. In case you need to consult a doctor, ask for help from your hotel (most have doctors on call) or go to any hospital/clinic. List of Hospitals and chemists at Puri
◆ Never forget to carry your essential medication with you. The brand names can differ and your specific brand of medication may not be available in Puri.
◆ Never eat cut fruits sold by the roadside vendors. Always eat fruits you can peel. Wash the fruits properly with water well before eating them.
◆ Sun in Puri can be ruthless in the summer months. Keep a good sunscreen lotion and sun block cream to avoid sun damages.

descriptionPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  EmptyRe: Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?


Local Transportation

◆ Taxis(cabs) are not always available for local transport, but you will find Auto Rikshaws(3 wheelers) and Cycle Rikshaws(man driven 3 wheeler) plently every where in Puri and this is the most convenient way for local transport.
◆ If you want to hire taxi then ask for the quotation to various travel agents as the rates are always vary.Please negotiate the rate before commencing your journey.
◆ Don't accept an offer to share a taxi to your destination unless you know the individual and the taxi driver.
◆ ln case of complaints against taxi or auto rickshaw for overcharging or cheating, note down the number of the vehicle and lodge a report with local Police station. You can get the Contact Phone Nos in Telephone Directory.

descriptionPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  EmptyRe: Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?


Bagala Dharmasala (Govt)
Grand Road, Puri
Telephone-(06752) 223235
Dhanjee Munjee Dharmasala
Dolabedi Kona, Puri
Kothari Dharmasala
Dolabedi Kona, Puri
Telephone-(06752) 223110
Bagedia Dharmasala
Grand Road, Puri
Telephone-(06752) 223224
Duduwala Dharmasala
Grand Road, Puri
Telephone-(06752) 223380
Ramachandara Goenka Dharmasala
Grand road, Puri
Telephone-(06752) 223678
Bharat Sevashram
Swargadwar, Puri
Telephone-(06752) 223227
Bhalagin Ashram
Nolia Sahi, Puri
Telephone-(06752) 228424
Barida Khanda Matha Ashram
Near Baseli Temple, Puri
Khemka Dharmasala
Dolamandapa Sahi, Puri

Bagala Dharmasala
Grand Road, Puri
Telephone-(06752) 223235
Youth Hostel
Chakra Tirtha Road, Puri
Telephone-(06752) 222424
Pantha Nivas
Near Subash Bose Square, Puri
Telephone-(06752) 222562, 222740
S.E. Railway Heritage Hotel
Chakra Tirtha Road, Puri
Telephone-(06752) 223005, 223006
Hotel Nilachal Ashok
Near Subash Bose Square, Puri
Telephone-(06752) 223671

Circuit House
Telephone-(06752) 222036
Nirman Nivas
Telephone-(06752) 223755
Forest I.B.
Telephone-(06752) 223220
Raj Bhawan
Telephone-(06752) 222068
Court Guest House
Telephone-(06752) 222782
Abakas (Police Holiday Home)

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Everyday throughout the year fifty six varieties of dishes are prepared and offered to the Deities of the Jagannath Temple. These consist of preparation of rice,dal and other selected vegetables. The food cooked in accordance with prescribed procedures, and is offered first to Lord Jagannath and then to Goddess Vimala after which it turns into Mahaprasad. Mahaprasad, the holy food, is freely shared by people of all castes and creeds without any discrimination. In all religious and social rituals in Puri and Odisha, Mahaprasad plays a very important role. Exchange of Mahaprasad between two persons belonging to two different castes binds them in an abiding relationship. Mahaprasad and other offerings made to the deities are sold to public in Ananda Bazar on the north-east corner of the outer enclosure of the Jagannath temple, where every day thousands of piligrims buy and eat various types of food.
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Mahaprasad in earthen pots

Mahaprasad is cooked only in earthen pots inside the temple kitchen and medium of food is fire wood only. When the cooked food is carried to the offering hall in slings of earthen pots no flavour comes up from the food but when the same is offered to Lord Jagannath and Vimala and carried back to the sale point, a delicious smell spells along in the breeze to the pleasant surprise of the devotees. Now the food is blessed. Mahaprasad can only be eaten on banana leaf and sitting on the floor.
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Mahaprasad served on banana leaf

There is a legend behind Mahaprasad. In Tretaya Yuga after beheading Ravana, the ten-faced monster in Srilanka, Lord Ramachandra, Laxman and others had returned to Ayodha. It was Urmila, the consort of Lord Laxman who was silently listening to the great happenings. All were unanimous that Laxmana was instrumental in killing Indrajit. All were discussing that Indrajit was so powerful and got boon that only that person who has not taken food for fourteen years constantly and who has not slept for fourteen years uninterruptedly can kill Indrajit. There was a meeting inside the palace in the evening time to know the truth behind this matter. Lord Rama questioned to Laxman that, Oh Laxman you have not taken food for continuous fourteen years, and what happened to those food packets, which I had given you at Panchabati during our stay ? Laxman patiently replied, Oh Lord, I have kept all those food packets in hole of Sami Tree at Panchabati. In order to ascertain the authenticity Lord Rama said, Oh Hanuman you go to Panchabati and bring back those food packets, which have been preserved in the hole of 'Sami Tree'. Lord Hanuman developed enigma on this matter. He thought, Lord is aware of my strength. He knows that I had brought the Gandhamardana mountain in one hand, when Laxman was unconscious by the arrow of Indrajit. He became hesitant to bring those food packets, but at last he performed journey from Ayodhya to Sami Tree at Panchabati. Hanuman saw that those food packets have been kept intact but when he attempted to lift those food packets he could not lift and at last returned to Ayodhya and with humble words told his master, that he could not lift those food packets. Lord Rama could know that due to Hanumana's ego that he could not lift those food packets. At last Laxman said I will fetch those food packets from Panchabati. Laxman with his powerful arrow could bring back those food packets and all were accumulated in front of Lord Rama. Lord Rama was surprised and asked Hanuman to ascertain that whether the food items supplied to Laxmana for fourteen years have been kept intact or not ? Hanuman counted and informed that seven packets were not available. Lord Rama was eager to know from Laxman about those missing packets. Laxman most humbly repliedlet me tell the mistery behind it.

Laxman said that when you and I had listened the news of death of our dearest father, Dasaratha in the forest you had not supplied me, the food on that very day. When we got the news that Ravana has kidnapped Sita from Panchabati on that day you did not supply the food packet. Then it was on third occasion when Mahi Ravana took both of us to Patala to offer sacrifice before Lankeswari on that day also we were in fast and took no food. On fourth occasion, when I became unconscious, due to arrow hitting of Indrajit I was not in a state to take food. On the day when Indrajit was beheaded I had not taken food for fifth time. It was on the sixth occasion that when you beheaded Ravana you did not take any food. You had committed Brahmahatya as Ravana was a Brahmin and he was the son of Bisrarba Rishi. Lastly, when there was national mourning due to death of Ravana in Sri Lanka on the next day we joined the mourning and left Lanka without taking any food.

Lord Rama was overwhelmed with the supreme sacrifice and dedication by Laxman. Then he praised the supreme sacrifice of Urmila, that how she spent fourteen years without Laxman. Lord Rama told - 'I had gone to fourteen years exile with my wife Sita. See such a wife who had made supreme sacrifice. She had eagerly waited the return of Laxman for fourteen years. All praise goes to Urmila. In Ayodhya we have got three thrones, one for me, one for Sita and another throne for Laxman. So the fourth throne will be installed for Urmila'. Urmila told Lord Rama, that 'I have no desire for any throne. I may be given the opportunity to serve you.' Then Rama was pleased and told Urmila, to seek for the boon as she wants. Then humble Urmila said that if you want to grant me any boon, then please grant that in the ages to come there will be neither any temple for me, nor I will be worshipped on any throne. I want to become an incense stick by which I will give fragrance to you all. I will be at your lotus feet for ages to come. Lord Rama was so pleased and told 'I grant you this boon that in the Kali Yuga when I will be worshipped at Puri Temple, Goddess Laxmi will not be installed by my side. Laxman in Treteya Yuga has become my younger brother and in Kali Yuga he will be my elder brother Balabhadra. You will be Mahaprasad and by your fragrance you will spread the flavour and will be worshipped. Any Prasad which will be offered to me will be offered to Goddess Vimala and then it will be Mahaprasad and will be taken as Prasad by devotees. You will remain as Mahaprasad for years to come. Devotees will worship you, so Tretaya's Urmila is the Goddess Vimala in Kali Yuga.

descriptionPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  EmptyNEELA CHAKRA


Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  Neelachakra1
Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  Neelachakra
The metal wheel at the top of Lord Jagannath temple is known as Neela Chakra (Blue Wheel). The wheel is made of eight metals comprising of iron, copper, zinc, mercury, lead, brass, silver and gold. It's circumferance is about 36 feet and it is so designed that there is a wheel within the wheel. The circumferance of the inner wheel is about 26 feet. Eight hubs join together the inner and the outer wheels. There are decorative designs on the outer wheel. The thickness of the Neela Chakra is 2 inches.

The wheel is said to be Lord Vishnu's most powerful weapon, Sudarshana Chakra (disk). Inside Lord Jagannath temple, Lord Vishnu's wheel is also worshipped in the name of 'Sudarshana'. But inside the temple Sudarshana is not in the shape of a wheel, but in the shape of a small wood pillar placed to the left of image of Lord Jagannath. It is believed that the same Sudarshana is also at the top of the temple and is known by the name of Neela Chakra. There is a specific category of people among the temple sevayats to serve the Neela Chakra and they are known as Garuda Sevaka or Chunara Nejoga. The pilgrims hold these sevayats in high esteem because everyday at Sunset the Garuda Sevakas climb to the top of 214 feet high temple to fasten flags , offered by the devotees, on the bamboo mast attached to the Neela Chakra. The pole attached to the Neela Chakra is 38 feet long. After covering the breadth of the Neela Chakra, this pole extends 25 feet high above it.

Neela Chakra of Lord Jagannath Temple Puri
Neela Chakra of Lord Jagannath Temple Puri

Weight 2200 kg
Height 11'8"
Diameter 7'6"
Thickness of Paridhi 2 inch
Width of Paridhi 9 inch
Diameter of central circle 2'6"
Number of wheel bars 8
Length of each wheel bar 1'10"

The pilgrims consider it an act of holiness to offer flags for the Jagannath temple. Everyday the Garuda Sevaka carries number of big and small flags to the top of the temple. The flags are either deep red or yellow in colour, but a crescent moon and a sun in white colour cloth deck the centre of a flag. The length of the flag varies from 1 feet to 25 feet and may be more. A devotee has to pay to the temple committee a certain price to tie the flag and the price is determined by the length of a flag.

The sevayat before climbing the temple must dress himself in proper clothings. He wears silk cloth and the upper part of his body remains bare. He ties the flags, offered by the devotees, around his waist which he has to tie on the mast that day. He also carries a wooden stick in his hand and sets out to climb the temple. The stick in hand is meant to be used against the monkeys who may attack. He climbs so swiftly that within minutes he is seen at the crest of the dancing hall of the main temple. From here he has to climb about a hundred feet steep wall to reach the Neela Chakra. He climbs this wall in a very peculiar manner, his back to the wall and his two outstretched legs on two raised parts of the wall. After climbing the body of the temple he reaches the head of the temple. This part is orange-shaped and it is impossible to climb this without any help. There is a device made of iron rings and a rope attached permanently on the head of the temple and He reaches the Neela chakra with the help of this. The entire breath taking exercise of reaching the Neela Chakra from the temple floor takes around 20 minutes. After climbing the Neela Chakra, he removes the old flags from the pole and ties the new ones.

Neela Chakra of Lord Jagannath Temple Puri
Neela Chakra of Lord Jagannath Temple Puri

The Blue Wheel, at the top of 214 feet high Jagannath Temple, serves very practical purpose technically by protecting the high rise temple from thunder strokes and lighting. The eight metal alloy has the capacity to absorb the ferocity of thunder bolts and thus the gigantic stone-moment remains unharmed. There is a four-inch wide metal-plate which serves as an earthing, it connects the wheel and a well in the southern side of the temple, close to the Goddess Vimala temple. This metal plate is about 300 feet long.

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Baisi Pahacha is a combination of two words ‘Baisi’ and ‘Pahacha’. In local Odia language ‘Baisi’ means ‘22’ and ‘Pahacha’ means ‘Step’, so ‘Baisi Pahacha’ means ’22 Steps’. These 22 steps found at the ‘Simha Dwara’, the Lion’s gate of Lord Jagannath temple, Puri. After entering the Lions’ gate of the temple, devotees have to climb these 22 holy steps to reach the second inner gate (known as Baisi Pahacha Gumuta), after passing the second gate they will reach the courtyard from where they can get into the main temple to see Lord Jagannath.

According to belief, all sins of the devotees disappear who touch these steps even once, so devotees usually touch these 22 steps in hand while climbing them and also allowed their children to slowly roll over these steps from the top to the bottom in expectation of spiritual bliss. Pilgrims get a sense of fulfillment after putting a fleck of dust from the surface of these 22 steps on their forehead. Width of the middle 15 steps varies from 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet 3 inches and the rise is 6 inches to 7 inches. The size of the remaining 7 steps is smaller in length and width. A black color stone known as ‘Yama Shila’ is engraved in the middle of the 3rd step. As per the belief, devotees must step on this stone while going up the steps because it frees themfrom ‘Yama Danda’ (Punishment of Yama, the God of death), but must not step on this stone on their way back since it will take away all the ‘Punya’ (values collected after visiting Lord Jagannath temple).

Various holy activities and rituals are performed on these 22 steps throughout the year, out of those ‘Sradha’ ritual is the most important one. Sradha is the annual Pinda Daana ritual of Hindus, a ritual in which food is offered to the ancestors, is usually performed on both sides of these 22 steps. The ancestral souls are believed to be satisfied by it. There is a small stone on the 7th step known as ‘Pitru Shila’. Devotees offer Anna Mahaprasada, the holy rice of the temple that has been offered to Lord Jagannath, to this stone for feeding their ancestors to liberate their departed souls. It is also believed that during the annual car festival several Gods, Goddesses, Demi Gods, other heavenly bodies, the souls of the ancestors (near the Pitru Shila), Chitragupta and Yamadootas (near the Yama Sihla)came to these steps to see the grand Pahandi ceremony of Lord Jagannath. Madana Mohana, the representative idol of Lord Jagannath, offers Pinda Daana on these steps to his ancestors (Nanda and Yashoda, Devaki and Vasudeva, Koushalya and Dasaratha). Another ritual known as ‘Badabadia Daka’ (call the elders) is performed on these steps on the day of Deepavali. Devotees burn kaunria kathis (bundle of a particular kind of sticks which easily catch fire) on these steps on the Deepavali day to light up the path of their ancestral souls. The idols of Kasi Biswanath, Lord Rama, Nursingha and Ganesha have been installed on the southern side of the Baisipahacha.

There are various believes associated with the significance of these 22 steps.

First Significance:

One belief says each of these 22 steps has its own significance of the existence of the Universe. The significance is given below

  =>  First Five Steps (from step 1 to 5): Describe all five Sense Organs, these are Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue and Skin
  => Second Five Steps (from step 6 to 10): Describe five Breathing (Prana), these are Up-breathing (prana), Down-breathing (apana), Back-breathing (Vyana), Out-breathing (Udana) and On-breathing (Samana). These five vital forces (Pancha Prana) breathe life into body
  =>  Third Five Steps (from step 11 to 15): Describe the Inner Beauty, these are Looks (rupa), Aesthetics (rasa), Taste (swada), Smell (gandha) and Noise (sabda)
=>   Fourth Five Steps (from step 16 to 20): Describe the Pancha Mahabhutas, these are Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space
=>   Twenty First Step (step 21) is for Wisdom
=>   Twenty Second Step (step 22) is for Ego

After crossing these Baisi Pahachas (22 Steps), devotees can see Lord Jagannath, the Lord of the Universe.

Second Significance:

Believers of Jainism hold these 22 steps to be a symbolic representation of their 22 Tirthankars. When a Jain devotee enters the Lion’s gate and starts climbing the 22 steps, he touches each step in deep devotion and then touches his head as a mark of respect to the Trithankars of Jain religion.

Third Significance:

Some scholars say that these steps represent the 22 kinds of weaknesses and faults in human beings, so every devotee must sacrifice these 22 weaknesses by climbing these 22 steps before getting into the main temple to see Lord Jagannath.

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