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Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?

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descriptionPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  - Page 2 EmptyPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?

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Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  - Page 2 Jagannath-temple
Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  - Page 2 Fb_img10

পুরী (Puri)-
..... বাঙালির চিরকালীন নস্টালজিয়া রয়েছে পুরীকে ঘিরে। ইতিহাসেও বহু প্রাচীনকাল থেকেই পুরী বা পুরুষোত্তম ক্ষেত্রের উল্লেখ পাওয়া যায়। ওড়িশার এই একান্ত বাঙালিপ্রবণ শহরটির মূল আকর্ষণ দীর্ঘ সমুদ্রতট আর জগন্নাথ দেবের মন্দির। পুরীর বিচগুলির মধ্যে স্বর্গদ্বারের প্রশস্তিই সবচেয়ে বেশি। পুরীর সমুদ্রে স্নান করার ব্যাপক চল থাকলেও সমুদ্র অনেকসময়ই বেশ বিপজ্জনক হয়ে ওঠে, তাই সাবধানতা নেওয়া উচিত। বেড়ানোর সেরা সময় অক্টোবর থেকে ফেব্রুয়ারী। তবে সারাবছরই ভিড় লেগে থাকে।
ভারতের হিন্দুদের চারধাম অর্থাৎ বদরীনাথ, দ্বারকা, রামেশ্বরম এবং পুরী। পুরাণের কথায়, শ্রীজগন্নাথ বদরীতে স্নান করে দ্বারকায় অঙ্গসজ্জা করেন। তারপর পুরীতে অন্নভোগ সেরে রামেশ্বরমে শয়ান বা বিশ্রাম নেন।
কথিত আছে, আদিতে সূর্যবংশীয় রাজা অবন্তীরাজ ইন্দ্রদ্যুম্ন স্বপ্নাদেশ পেয়ে জগন্নাথ মন্দিরটি তৈরি করেন। বর্তমান মন্দিরটি ১১০০ খ্রীষ্টাব্দে রাজা অনন্তবর্মন শুরু করলেও তাঁর পৌত্র রাজা অনঙ্গ ভীমদেবের আমলে ১১৯৮ খ্রীষ্টাব্দে সমাপ্ত হয়। গর্ভগৃহ বা মূল মন্দিরের উচ্চতা ১৯২ফুট। প্রবেশদ্বার চারটি- সিংহদ্বার, হস্তীদ্বার, অশ্বদ্বার ও খাঞ্জাদ্বার। এরমধ্যে সিংহদ্বারটি প্রধান। এখানেই কোনারক থেকে আনা অরুণ স্তম্ভটি রয়েছে। পূর্বদিকে মূল প্রবেশদ্বার বা সিংহদ্বার। ৬৭০ফুট দীর্ঘ ও ৬৪০ফুট চওড়া মন্দিরটি ওড়িশি শিল্পধাঁচে চার ভাগে বিভক্ত- ভোগমন্ডপ, নাটমন্দির, জগমোহন ও দেউল।
কথিত আছে, স্বপ্নাদেশে সমুদ্র থেকে পাওয়া কাঠের সাহায্যে জগন্নাথ, বলরাম ও সুভদ্রার মূর্তিটি তৈরি। মন্দিরের বেদিতে বলরাম, জগন্নাথ ও সুভদ্রার মূর্তির সঙ্গে রয়েছে লক্ষ্মী, সরস্বতী ও নীলমাধবের মূর্তিও। বিষ্ণুরই আরেক রূপ জগন্নাথ। মন্দিরচত্বরে আরও চল্লিশটি ছোটো মন্দির আছে। মন্দিরে শুধুমাত্র হিন্দুদের প্রবেশাধিকার আছে। ক্যামেরা, মোবাইল, চামড়ার কোনও জিনিস সঙ্গে নিয়ে ঢোকা নিষেধ।
পুরী শহরের আশেপাশে স্থানীয় দ্রষ্টব্যগুলি রিকশা বা অটোতে ঘুরে দেখে নেওয়া যায়। এরমধ্যে রয়েছে চক্রতীর্থ বা স্বর্গদ্বার, কানপাতা হনুমান, বিদুরপুরী, মহোদধি, সুদামাপুরী, সোনার গৌরাঙ্গ মঠ, শংকরাচার্য মঠ, কবির মঠ, নানক মঠ, রাধাকান্ত মঠ বা কাশীমিশ্র ভবন, সিদ্ধবকুল মঠ, শ্বেতগঙ্গা, শ্রীশ্রীগুণ্ডিচা মন্দির বা মাসির বাড়ি বা বাগানবাড়ি, দশাবতার মঠ, তোতা গোপীনাথজির মন্দির, কপালমোচন মন্দির ইত্যাদি।
পুরী থেকে ভুবনেশ্বরের পথে ১৭কিমি দূরে সাক্ষীগোপাল। দেবতা এখানে শ্রীকৃষ্ণ রূপে পূজিত হন। এই পথেই পুরী থেকে ৯কিমি দূরে চন্দনপুর থেকে আরও দেড় কিমি এগিয়ে পটচিত্রের জন্য খ্যাত রঘুরাজপুর।
সারাদিনের কন্ডাক্টেড ট্যুরে দেখে নেওয়া যায় কোণারক, নন্দনকানন, ভুবনেশ্বরের মন্দিরগুলো, খণ্ডগিরি, উদয়গিরি, ধৌলি বা ধবলেশ্বর ইত্যাদি।

যাওয়াঃ- নিকটতম রেলস্টেশন পুরী। ওড়িশার প্রতিবেশি রাজ্যগুলির বিভিন্ন জায়গা থেকে ও ওড়িশার বিভিন্ন শহরের সঙ্গে বাস যোগাযোগ রয়েছে পুরীর। পুরী থেকে কন্ডাক্টেড ট্যুরে কোনারক, উদয়গিরি-খণ্ডগিরি ও ভুবনেশ্বর বেড়িয়ে নেওয়া যায়।

থাকাঃ- পুরীর সমুদ্র ও জগন্নাথদেবের মন্দিরকে কেন্দ্র করে নানা বাজেটের অজস্র হোটেল ছড়িয়ে রয়েছে পুরো এলাকা জুড়ে। ধর্মশালাও আছে বেশ কয়েকটি। সস্তায় থাকার জন্য রয়েছে নানান সংস্থার হলিডে হোমগুলি। পুরীর এস টি ডি কোডঃ- ০৬৭৫২।

কেনাকাটাঃ- সমুদ্রের ধার জুড়ে শাঁখ, ঝিনুক, পাথরের নানান পসরা নিয়ে হাজির দোকানীরা। শহরেও মিলবে হস্তশিল্প বা তাঁতশিল্পের অনেক দোকান। কটকি, সম্বলপুরী শাড়ি, রঘুরাজপুরের পটশিল্প, পিপলির অ্যাপ্লিক, শাঁখ, ঝিনুক অথবা পাথরের ঘরসাজানোর জিনিস -এসবই হতে পারে পুরী বেড়ানোর স্মারক।

খাওয়াদাওয়াঃ- পুরী বেড়িয়ে এসে সবাইকে আর কিছু নাহোক গজা কিম্বা জগন্নাথের মহাপ্রসাদ চেনাপরিচিত সবাইকে দেওয়া বাঙালির এক রীতি। মন্দিরে পুজোর বিনিময়ে প্রসাদতো মেলেই, মন্দিরের আনন্দবাজারেও কিনতে পারা যায় এই মহাপ্রসাদ।

উৎসবঃ- পুরীর সেরা উৎসব জগন্নাথদেবের রথযাত্রা। আষাঢ় মাসে এই রথযাত্রা উৎসবে দেশি-বিদেশি লক্ষাধিক পুণ্যার্থী আসেন।
ডিসেম্বর মাসে স্বর্গদ্বার লাগোয়া সৈকতে অনুষ্ঠিত হয় বিচ ফেস্টিভাল।

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Last edited by Admin on Fri Mar 02, 2018 7:00 pm; edited 2 times in total

descriptionPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  - Page 2 Empty MUKTI MANDAPA OF JAGANNATH TEMPLE


Mukti Mandapa is a combination of two words ‘Mukti’ and ‘Mandapa’. In local Odia language ‘Mukti’ means ‘salvation or freedom’ and ‘Mandapa’ means ‘platform’, so ‘Mukti Mandapa’ means ’Platform for salvation or freedom’. Mukti Mandapa is situated in front of Adi Nrusingha temple and by the southern side of Lord Jagannath Temple of Puri. MadalaPanji, the chronicle of Jagannath Temple, mentions that it was built in 15th century at the request of queen Gauri Mahadevi, the consort of King Mansingh of Jaipur who was the commander-in-chief of Moghal emperor Akber.

The Mukti Mandapa is a council of Pandits (Brahmin Scholars) and acted like a final judiciary system related to various religious matters. Shankaracharya of Puri Govardhana Matha is the permanent president of Mukti Mandap. Disputes arising out of religious matters with regard to worship and religion are referred to this council of the Pandits for discussion and final verdict. In the old days all the disputes were first referred to the King of Puri who, when required, used to call the Mukti Mandapa Pandits to pass the final verdict on religious matters. As per the belief, devotees will free from all their sins if they will follow and perform rites and rituals prescribed by Mukti Mandapa Pandits. Devotees visiting Jagannath Temple always touches their heads at the feet of the Pandits sitting on Mukti Mandapa to get their blessings and counseling for problems related to their personal and social life.

Mukti Mandapa is made of black granite stones. The height of the platform is five feet and the area of the platform is nine hundred sqft and is in square shape. The platform is open from all sides and having a roof at a height of thirteen feet from the ground level. The roof is supported by sixteen pillars, twelve pillars around the periphery and four pillars in middle portion. The height of each pillar is eight feet. Idols of different Hindu Gods and Goddesses (Lord Nrusingha, Lord Ganesh, Goddess Durga, Goddess Kali, Lord Brahma, Lord Shri krishna) made of stone are placed in different parts of the platform. It is believed that these sixteen pillars symbolize the sixteen Brahmin Sasanas (settlements or villages) established around Puri city by Ramachandara Dev, the first king of Bhoi Dynasty. In Odia language the sixteen Brahmin Sasanas is known as ‘Shohala Sasan’. Initially the chief priest of these 16 villages is allowed to sit in the Mukti Mandapa, but the number has been increased and now 8 more villages have been included in the allowed list to make it 24.

Apart from providing solutions to different religious and social disputes, the Pandits of Mukti Mandap are also engaged in various other activities. The yearly religious Odia calendar, popularly known as Panji, published by different publishers are submitted to Mukti Mandapa council for their approval and to authenticate specific dates of different religious rites and festivals. During Nava Kalevara festival, various rites associated with it are performed by the Pandits of Mukti Mandapa. As per the ritual, every day two big thalis (plates) of Anna (rice) Mahaprasada are supplied to the Mukti Mandapa Pandits after morning and mid-day dhupas (offerings to Lords).

Mukti Mandapa council is the highest respected body of Jagannath Temple. A committee of nine Pandits as selected by other Pandits of Mukti Mandapa is considered as the core committee to take immediate decision for religious and administration disputes of Jagannath temple. Mukti Mandapa is also considered as platform of vast knowledge and experience. This system is still in trend and the decision of the Mukti Mandapa is accepted as final verdict even today.

descriptionPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  - Page 2 EmptyJAGAGHARAS IN PURI



Historically Puri was attacked by invaders during non-Hindu rule in India. As per the record, during the regime of King Chodaganga Deva in 11th century, Jagagharas were established around the temple of Lord Jagannath to safeguard the temple. The Meghanada Prachira (huge wall around the Jagannath Temple complex) was not built at that time and it was the responsibility of the members of Jagagharas to protect the temple and people of Puri. Jagagharas are also known as ‘Jagas’ and ‘Akhadas’. Most of the local people called them as ‘Jagas’. The word ‘Jaga’ came from the Persian word ‘Jagat’ which means place. The Jaga culture takes a key position in the history of Puri.

The surrounding area of Lord Jagannath Temple is divided into various Sahis. In local language 'Sahi' means a particular area or locality. There are seven very old sahis in Puri on both sides of the grand road and around the Jagannath temple. Each Sahi has its own Jagagharas. Jagagharas are places for learning martial arts by local youths. The Jagagharas in different Sahis are responsible to train the local people with wrestling, body building, acrobats and various war techniques like handling of sword, waving of sticks (lathis in local language), circling of ropes with fire balls at the end (banaties in local language), rope climbing, diving and swimming etc. Jagagharas are strictly meant for the boys and women are not allowed to enter.

Jagagharas were not only imparting physical education and training, but also considered as the traditional cultural institutions of Puri to teach gotipua dance and music. Jagagharas are also places of entertainments for local youths of Puri. As per the process three things must be present in a Jagaghara i.e. a wrestling arena, a temple and a pond. The presiding deity of the temple of each Jagaghara is either Lord Hanuman or Goddess Durga because they are worshipped as the symbol of power, energy and courage. The youths of a Sahi were attached to their nearest Jagaghara. The members of the Jagaghara called each other as ‘Sanga’ means friend in local language.

The members usually come to the Jagaghara early in the morning, where they brush their teeth, take bath in the pond, offer prayer to temple God/Goddess of the Jagaghara. In the afternoon, after returning from their daily work, the members again come back to their respective Jagagharas. They massage mustard oil among themselves and practice wrestling, body building and various other physical activities. The Jagagharas provide enough scope to the youths of Puri for mutual friendship and to build community. Jagas are not restricted to only youths, but children and old people of the Sahi are also coming to their Jagaghara for relaxing and entertainment without any discrimination of caste and creed. In short, Jagagharas are centers where Janga (practice physical exercise together), Sanga (friends), Bhanga (taking hemp together), Pangata (feasting together), Sangeeta (music) are all found in one place.

There are no specific rules for naming a Jagaghara, but it’s found from the names of existing Jagagharas that few Jagagharas have ‘Gada’ associated with their names like Dhwajagada, Luhagada, Malligada, Kadambagada, Bajragada, Juigada, Jaigada and Champagada etc. In local Odia language ‘Gada’ means ‘Fort’. Few Jagagharas have ‘Kota’ associated with their names like Khakikota, Sankhakota, Nagakota, Marichikota and Jadukota etc. ‘Kota’ is a Sanskrit derived word which also means ‘Fort’. In early days, rich people of Puri offered land for the construction of Jagagharas in their locality. So many Jagagharas are named after their names like Bhatta Jaga, Jamai Khuntia Jaga, Rahas Mohanty Jaga, Adanga Tiadi Jaga, Badu Mohapatra Jaga etc.

Jagagharas are closely associated with various cultural events and festivals of Puri. Two major festivals where the inmates of Jagagharas take part are ‘Chandana Yatra’ and ‘Sahi Yatra’. During Chandana Yatra, for 21 days, the members of various Jagagharas go to the Narendra pond for a royal bath in grand procession. The traditional weapons of Jagagharas are taken out to the street in procession and the wrestlers get an opportunity to display various forms of martial arts with swords, fireballs, sticks and knives to show their strength. Sahi Yatra is a street play organized by different Jagagharas for the entertainment of the public. In Sahi Yatra the members of Jagagharas dress up themselves as Ravana, Parsuram, Naga, Medha etc. and various historical stories are acted to refresh the traditional memories of past days.

descriptionPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  - Page 2 Empty SHRI LOKANATHA TEMPLE

Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  - Page 2 208028504Puri_Loknath_Temple_Main

The temple of Shri Lokanatha is situated at a distance of about 2½ kms to the west of Lord Jagannatha temple of Puri. This temple is one of the most important Shaiva shrines of Odisha. As per local people this temple was established by Lord Ramacandra. From the architectural point of view the temple is not so important but from the religious point of view, it occupies an important position in the cultural history of Odisha. The legend says that Lord Rama on his way to Sri Lanka for searching Sita reached Puri and sat with a vow to see Siva here. At that time there was a village (koown as Sabarapalli in local language) nearby. Sabaras (native of that village) presented him a Lau or Lauka (Pumpkin, one type of vegetable) looking like a Siva Linga, Lord Rama installed that as the replica of Siva Linga at that place and prayed Siva to fulfill his desire. From that day this Siva Linga was called 'Laukanatha'. It is believed that the word Lokanatha is a later innovation from the original word 'Laukanatha'.
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The innermost chamber of the main temple preserves a Shiva linga which is the presiding deity of the temple. This linga is visible to the devotees once in every year. The sanctum including the linga is filled with water throughout the year by a natural fountain. In the night of Pankoddhar Ekadashi (3 days before the famous Shivaratri festival) all the water is bailed out and the Shiva Linga becomes visible and thousands of devotees enable to worship the Lord. According to a local tradition, people who suffer from incurable diseases come here for prayer. The flowers, sandal paste, milk, Curd (yoghurt), honey, beetle leaves, Coconut water, bilva leaves, etc. offered to the God throughout the year remain decomposed in the water creating a special smell and taste being medicated as a whole. people take it as Prasad, in order to be cured from the disese that they suffered for.

The Lokanatha temple has four parts such as Vimana (Main Temple), Jagamohana (Entrance Hall), Natamandapa (Dancing Hall) and Bhogamndapa (Offering Hall). This temple is built in sand stones. The main temple is about 30 feet from the ground level. Most portions of the main temple have been covered with marbles, so the detail architectural features of the main temple are not visible. The outer walls of the main temple housed images of different Deities. The image of Shiva-Parbati is carved on the northern side wall. There is image of Lord Kartikeya on the eastern side wall. The image of four handed Lord Ganesha is carved on the southern side wall. All these side wall images are housed inside small temples. Many small temples are there inside the premises of Lokanatha temple. There is a small temple to the left of the inner courtyard which preserves images of Surya-Narayana and Candra-Narayana. The Satya-Narayan temple within the premises preserves images of Vishnu, Laksmi and several brass idols. On the right side of the entrance to the inner courtyard you will find a figure of Lord Hanuman. The compound of the Lokanatha temple is about 10 feet below the road level. When you enter the lokanatha temple compound by climbing down the stairs from the main road, you will find a big pond (known as Parvati Sagara in local language) at your right side. Devotees wash their hands and feets in this pond before entering into the temple. This pond houses a lot of fishes. Devotees enjoying a lot by offering foods to these fishes.

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Lord Lokanatha's representative image is in the Sri Jagannatha temple, known as Bhandara Lokanatha. He is the guardian deity of the Ratnabhandara (treasure house) of Sri Jagannatha temple. Lokanatha is associated with Lord Jagannath in several festivals like Sivaratri, Candan Yatra and Sital Sasthi. The festival of Shivaratri is observed in the temple of Lokanatha with great devotion. A meeting of Hari and Hara (Siva and Vishnu) takes place on the day. On the Mahashivaratri lot of devotees arrive near the temple to offer their prayer to Lord Lokanatha with great devotion.

sunny DO's & DON'Ts:
1. Only Hindus are allowed to enter in the temple
2. Do not carry Shoes, Socks, Camera, Leather articles, Arms and Ammunitions inside the Temple
3. Outside food materials are prohibited
4. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the Temple
5. Do not pollute or damage Temple premises

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To the south-western direction of the Jagannath temple , about half a mile away, there is a small temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. This temple is known as Jameswar Temple. Local people also called this temple as Yamesvara Temple, Jamesvara Temple and Jamesvara Mahadeva Temple. The temple is located towards the end of the street in Gaudabada Sahi and facing towards the east. From the architectural point of view, this temple has no such importance but from the cultural point of view, it is one of the important Shiva temple of Puri. Devotees who come to visit Lord Jagannatha temple, also visit the Yamesvara temple. The presiding deity is a Shivalinga which is situated 6.40 meters below the present ground level. Jameswar Temple is associated with several festival of Jagannatha temple. Jamesvara Mahadeva participates in the Chandana yatra festival of Lord Jagannath. On the day of RadhastamiThe, deity Sudarsana from the Jagannatha temple visits Lord Yamesvara. This temple is also connected with Sagar Bije, Ashram Bije, Sital Sasthi, Champak Dwadasi, Sravana Purnima and Aswina Purnima of Lord Jagannath Temple. The festival of Yama Dwitiya (2nd day bright fortnight of the month of Kärtika) is also observed in this temple with great devotion.

It is believed that once Yama (the God of death) tried to foil the meditation of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva became angry upon such activity by Yama and defeated him in a war. In local language 'Yama' is known as 'Jama'. After his victory over Jama (Yama), Lord Shiva is known as Jamewswar (Yamesvara). It is Lord Jamesvara who is protecting the holy city of Puri from the influence of Yama.

Jameswar Temple is one of the Pancha pandava temple of Puri. As per the legend, Pancha Pandavas (Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva) at the time of disguise for one year, visited this holy place and stayed one night in Puri. Here they worshipped Lord Vishnu for the safety of their journey. As a symbol of their visit, five Shiva temples were built at Puri to memorise their stay at this holy place. These famous five Shiva temples are Lokanatha, Jameswara, Kapalamochana, Markandeswara and Nilakantheswara together they are known as Pancha Pandavas or the five brothers. Yamesvara is locally called as Yudhistira, the eldest brother among the Pancha Pandavas.

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To the south-western direction of the Jagannath temple there is a small temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. This temple is known as Kapalamochana Temple. The temple is located on the left side of Gandua Chaura Chowk in Manikarnika Street. From the dakhina dwar (south gate/horse Gate) of the Jagannath Temple the road which leads to the Lokanath Temple, on the way there comes Manikarnika Tirtha. Here one can see the Kapalamochana Shiva Temple. There is a sacred pool found in this premises which is known as 'Manikarnika'. From the architectural point of view the temple is not so important but from the religious point of view, it is one of the important Shiva shrines of Puri. Devotees come to visit Lord Jagannatha temple, also visit the Kapala mochana temple.
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Kapala Mochana Temple is one of the Pancha pandava temple of Puri. This temple is facing towards east and the presiding deity is a Sivalinga, which is situated 6.60 meters below the present road level. As per the belief, one can get rid of 'braham hatya' (killing of a Brahmin) by worshipping Lord Kapalamochana. Kapala Mochana Temple is associated with several festival of Jagannatha temple. Kapalamochana Mahadeva participates in the Chandana yatra festival of Lord Jagannath. This temple is also connected with Sitalasasti, Dolapurnima and Rudravisekha of Lord Jagannath Temple. Marriage ceremony, engagement and thread ceremony etc. are observed here.
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Inside the jagamohana of the temple there is a Dusa Bhuja (ten armed) idol of Goddess Shyamakali. An anicent image of Lord Ganesha, made of sand stone, housed in a separate temple in the northern side of the temple. This image is without the mount mouse, which speaks of the antiquity of the image. The image of Lord Narasimha is also carved on the temple wall.

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Markandeya is one among the Pancha Pandavas. God saved Markandeya from a severe danger from sea. The place where God saved Markanda is known as Markandeya, the holy place, on that particular spot Markandeya remained on meditation for a long time. At this place a Shiva Temple was constructed by sage Markandeya. The ancient Markandeswar Shiva Temple is situated in the Markandeswar street by the side of the Markandeswar tank, to the north of the Jagannath temple. This place can be approached on the right side of Markandeswar road leading from Markandeswar chowk to Prui-Brahmagiri road. The exact geographical location of this temple is LONGITUDE 85049’94”E and LATITUDE 19048’62”N.

Markandeswar temple is also known as Markandesvara Temple, Markandeya Shiva Temple and Markandeswara Mahadeva Temple. This temple is facing towards east and the presiding deity is a Sivalinga. This temple is connected with the rituals of Chandan yatra, Balabhadra Janma, Ashram Bije, Sital Sasthi, Kaliyadalan etc. of the Jaganath temple. Festivals like Janmastami, Risi Panchami, Rakhi Purnima, Sivaratri, Sankranti, Narasimha Chaturdasi etc. are also observed with great devotion at this temple. This place is one of the Pancha Tirthas of Puri and also one of the fifty two sacred Shiva places of the country.

Markandeya tank is an open structure and it enclosed within a stone wall made of dressed laterite blocks. The tank is rectangular is shape and 8.50 meters below the present road level. Its sides measure 350 feet on the northern side, 508 feet on the eastern side, 385 feet on the southern side and 542 feet on the western side. Bathing ghats are provided for the tourists in southern side of the tank. The tank is presently used for rituals as well as for normal bathing. Rituals like Pinda Dana, Mundan Kriya etc. are observed on the steps of the tank. The tank is fed by a natural spring from under ground. The excess and waste water is discharged through an outlet channel in the north eastern wall. As a result the water level of the tank remains constant throughout the year. The exact geographical location of this tank is LONGITUDE 85048’94”E LATITUDE 19048’62”N.

Previously at the northern side of the tank there are seven stone images, each four feet high, kept over a platform representing the Sapta Matrukas or seven sacred mothers. These Seven Mothers are also accompanied by images of Lord Ganesha and Lord Virabhadra. I visited this temple on 02FEB2010 and found that the temple administration is creating a new temple for the Sapta Matrukas and all these images have already been shifted inside the under construction temple.
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Few ancient stone inscriptions found on the steps to the tank and the Markandeshwar Temple, are of great interest to historians. These stone inscriptions pertaining to the Ganga dynasty. Both Markandeswar temple and Markandeswar tank can be dated back to the 12th century AD. Puri became an important center of pilgrimage by the 12th century. The history in Puri also proves that Sri Ramanuja visited Puri during 1107 and 1117. Sri Ramanuja was followed by Vishnu Swami, who is known to establish the Vishnuswami Matha, near Markandeshwar Tank.

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Besides the central attraction of Lord Jagannath temple, Puri is also famous for various famous Shiva temples. There is a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva and is located in the southern bank of Indradyumna tank. This temple is known as Nilakantheswar temple. The name of the temple is also spelled as Nilakanthesvara temple, Nilkantheshwar temple and Neelakantheswar temple. It is located at the end of the road leading from Gundicha temple towards the Indradyumna tank. The temple is facing towards east and the enshrined deity is a Sivalinga. There are five prominent Saiva temples in Puri, together known as Pancha Pandava (five pandavas) temples. Nilakantheswar temple is one of them. Other four Pancha Pandavas are Sri Lokanatha, Sri Jamesvara, Sri Kapalamochana and Sri Markandesvara.

Lord Siva is known by many names and 'Nilakantheswar' is one of them. Nilakantheswar means 'someone whose throat colour is blue'. The word 'Nilakantheswar' is derived from two words, 'Nila' and 'Kantha'. In Odia language 'Nila' means 'Blue' and 'Kantha' means 'Throat'. A famous story associated behind the name 'Nilakantheswar'. In Hinduism, 'Samudra Manthan' (The churning of the ocean) is one of the most famous episode depicted in the Puranas. During Samudra Manthan, many objects became lost in the ocean, Lord Siva is said to have drunk the poison that rose out of it to protect the world from its effect. The poison dyed his throat blue and since then He known as Nilakantheswar.

The holy city of Puri is guarded by eight Siva temples and Nilakanthesvara Siva temple is one of them. The eight temples are located in eight directions of Puri town and save the people of Puri from danger. Sitalasasthi, Maha Sivaratri, Dola Purnima and Pana Sanktranti festivals are observed in this temple. Marriage ceremony, thread ceremony, engagements etc. are also celebrated here.

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The temple of Bankimuhaha Ramachandi is situated near Puri Railway Station. This temple is dedicated to Goddess Ramachandi. It is situated just behind the Cholera Hospital of Puri town. From Red Cross road (from Badasankha leading to Puri Railway Station), there is a diversion to Gajapati Nagar, while just enetring the lane close to the border of the said hospital the temple is visible. The exact geographical location of the temple is LONGITUDE 85050’18”E and LATITUDE 19048’66”N. It is 40 feet high from the ground and facing towards south. The presiding deity is a six armed Mahisasuramardini (killing buffalo demon) Durga.

The name Ramachandi implies 'Ramaadharita Chandi' or the Chandi worshipped by Lord Rama Chandra. According to local tradition, Lord Rama worshipped the present deity Chandi for her blessing to attain victory over Ravana. In the eastern zone of the country there are many temples designated as Rama Chandi temple. This indicates the path vide which Lord Rama chandra has travelled.

During 13th century the king 'Vanu Dev II', who constructed the Atharnala bridge, dumped river 'Malini' vide the ten miracles of Rajguru and he installed the famous Sadbhuja (Six Aramed) statue of Goddess Ramachandi which represents 'Sakti'. The river Malini was previously separating the badadanda (grand Road), so that two sets of chariots were prepared during Car Festival. The temple was designated 50 to 70 years back as 'Badi Thakurani' which means the tourists on foot who expired of cholera were burnt or thrown here. The meeting of river Malini with the sea is known as 'Muhana'.

Famous rituals like Durga Puja, Dussehra, Kali Puja (Deepawali) etc are observed with great devotion in this temple. This temple is a typical legendry temple which is a place of Tantrick Rituals. An esteemed puja known as 'Sola Puja' observed here for 16 days consequetively during Durga Puja. Varities of dressing, Chandi patha, Homa (Fire Sacrifice) and other vedic customs are also observed during this period. Through out the year, there is a great influx of piligrims and selected intelligentia to the spot which is one of the Tantra Kshetra of Puri town.

Within few years the temple complex has improved in the Nata Mandapa(20" x 9") there is a nice sculpture of Ganesh, one statue of lion, the famous ten Mahavidya statues and Nabagrha statues. It is conjoint with a small kitchen and behind the temple there is small pond and flower garden. The Sandhya Alati (Evening Prayer) is the most see sight for all. The Goddess is Parama Baishnabi. Only on the Mahastami day of Dussehra, brunt fish is offered during midnight. The environment of the temple is too beautiful as well as perinneal.
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The temple of Siddha Mahavir is situated at a distance of about one Km to the north-east of the Gundicha temple of Puri. This is a small temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman. From the architectural point of view the temple is not so important but from the religious point of view, it is one of the important shrines of Puri. Tulasi Das, the famous author of Rama Charita Manasa, stayed here for sometime when he visited Puri. The shrine of Siddha-Mahavir is an important place, where the presiding deity is greatly revered by the local people. God Siddha Mahavir is considered as one of the Eight Mahavirs of Puri town. This temple is built in sand stones and faces to east.

The image of Lord Mahavir (Hanumana), the presiding deity of the temple, is about 6 feet in height. He holds gada(club) in left hand and a massive rock boulder (Gandha-Mardana Mountain) in right hand. The deity has been installed on a decorated pedestal of 2 feet high. The slab of the presiding deity is carved with a series of Hanuman figures in different postures. They are locally considered as the asta-mallas such as Sugriba, Jambu bahana, Bali, Angada, Susena etc. These figures are also believed to be the eight advisers of Lord Rama during his expedition to Lanka to fight against Ravana for rescue of Sita. A brass image of Hanumana (Mahavira) has also been kept on the same pedestal as the vije pratima for ceremonial occasions. The presiding deity of the temple is very attractive to visitors and it is the best specimen of the fine workmanship. The background slab is relieved with scroll works, flower medallions and various scenes from the Ramayana.

The main temple (Vimana) of Siddha Mahavira is partially adorned with different sculptures and scenes. The three sides of the main temple are housed with images of Yamaraj, Keshari and Devi Anjana. The southern side wall of the temple contains the image of Yamaraja. The two handed image of Lord Yama has been installed on the plain pedestal. He is carved in seated posture on the backside of buffalo, the conventional mount. Lord Yama displays gada(club) in right hand and kala phasa in left hand respectively. The western side wall of the temple contains a statue of a male figure is locally worshipped as Keshari. The two handed image of Keshari has been installed on the decorated pedestal. He holds gada(club) in left hand and aksha mala in right hand. He is also wearing the garland of beads in his body. Six Hanumana figures are finely carved on the pedestal. Two female figures are flanked on either side of the deity. They are displaying flywhisks in their hands. The western side wall of the temple contains Devi Anjana (Mother of Lord Mahavir). The two-armed image of Devi Anjana has been installed on the double petalled lotus pedestal. She holds her child (Lord Hanuman) by her two hands. Two female figures are flanked on either side of the devi. All the side wall images of the main temple are made of black chlorite stone.

The entrance temple (Mukhasala) of Siddha Mahavira is also adorned with different sculptures and scenes. There is a scene of royal procession with two elephants inserted into a niche of the northern side wall of the Mukhasala of the temple. The elephants are placed one in front of the other so that only one is visible in this view. The front figure of the near elephant is of royal lineage as suggested by the two parasols hold by attendant figures, one on each elephant. Three figures with folded hands stand in-front of the elephants while an acrobat rolled into a ball is beneath the head of the near elephant. The head of the royal figure is completely missing. Some senior priests of the temple say that it is tour scene of Indra Devata. Most probably, this scene is a royal tour of Puri king. An elephant and a horse with their grooms are carved on the pedestal of the royal procession slab. A short line of inscription is engraved just below the sculptural panel.

The left side eastern entrance wall of the Jagamohana contains an image of Panchamukhi (Five faced) Ganesha in its niche. The slab of the deity is exquisitely carved by the artist. The ten-handed image of Ganesha has been installed on the decorative pedestal. His right five hands display chakra(disk), snake, trident, broken tusk, and varada mudra while the left five hands hold gada(club), pasa, ankusa, flower and a bell. The slab of the Panchamukhi Ganesha is carved out of black chlorite.

The right side eastern entrance wall of the Mukhasala is relieved with the sikshadana scene. It is the teaching scene of Vyasadeva who is reciting the Bhagabata Purana among his disciples. The guru is seated in a pavilion with his right leg crossed over his left and right hand raised as if imparting instructions. Facing him are three rows of two figures each. Both male and female devotees are flanked on either side of guru. Most of these devotees are carved in folded hands.

The surface of the temple complex is about 4 feet high from the road level. A boundary wall of 10 feet high has enclosed the temple and it measures approximately 80 feet in length on the northern and southern sides and 60 feet in width on the eastern and western sides respectively. The modern flat roof covers the main entrance porch of the temple complex. Two huge lions are installed on the both sides of the main entrance gate of the eastern side. They are acting as the gatekeepers of the temple.

There is a beautiful pond in front of the temple. Devotees wash their hands and feets in this pond before entering into the temple. The temple complex also houses a kitchen in the left side to cook foods for the presiding deity. People have great faith on Lord Mahavir and they attend this temple in large numbers every day (in more numbers on Tuesday) and during various festive seasons. Festivals like Makara Sankranti, Rama Navami, Dola Purnima are observed in this temple with great interest.

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There are a series of Hanuman shrines located in the different parts of Jagannath Puri. To the western side of Gundicha temple and on the bank of sacred Indradyumna tank there is a temple known as the Panchamukhi Hanuman Temple. Devotees can approach the temple on the right side of the road leading from Gundicha temple towards Indradyumna tank. Local people also called this temple as Siddha Hanuman Temple and Panchamukhi Mahavir Temple.

The presiding deity is Panchamukhi Hanuman. Panchamukhi is a combination of two words 'Pancha' and 'Mukha'. In local langugae 'Pancha' means 'Five' and 'Mukha' means 'Face'. The image has five faces; Varaha in north, Narasimha in south, Hanuman in east, Garuda in west and Hayagriba in top. The image has ten hands, holding sankha, trident, khatwanga, pasa, ankusa, hillock, dhuma, musthi, mace and snake. He is standing over the demon.

Each of the five faces has a different significance and meaning:
Hanuman Mukha - Facing the East is Anjaneya Mukha in its original form, removes all blemishes of sin and confers purity of Mind.
Narasimha Mukha - Facing the South, removes fear of enemies and confers victory.
Garuda Mukha - Facing the west, drives away evil spells, black magic influences etc. and removes all poisonous effects in one's body.
Varaha Mukha - Facing the North, removes problems caused by bad influences of the planets and confers all prosperity.
Hayagriba Mukha - Facing upwards, confers knowledge, victory, good wife and progeny.

It is believed that devotees will earn more punya if they make a darsana of Sri Nilakantheswar, Yagna Narasimha and Panchamukhi Mahavir after a sacred bath in Indradyumna Tank. Huge crowd gather at Panchamukhi Mahavir temple on festiv occassions like Hanuman Jayanti, Ram Navami, Pana sankranti etc.

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A small sea side temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman is situated west of Chakranarayan temple in Puri. The temple is known as Daria Mahavir Temple. In local language 'Daria' means 'Sea' and Mahavir is another name of Lord Hanuman. The temple is located on the left side of the Chakratirtha road leading from Subash Bose Chowk to Penthakata. From the architectural point of view the temple is not so important but from the religious point of view, it occupies an important position in the cultural history of Puri. The exact geographical location of the temple is LONGITUDE 85050’67”E and LATITUDE 19048’03”N. The temple is facing towards east. The outer walls of the temple housed images of different Deities. The image of Anjana, holding a baby in her lap, is carved on the western side wall. There is a female divinities over a decorated pedestal on the northern side wall. The image of Lord Ganesha is carved on the southern side wall.

The presiding deity is a two armed Hanuman, holding a ladu (sweet) in left hand a gada (mace) in his right hand. Famous rituals like Pana sankranti, Hanuman Jayanti, Rama Navami etc are observed in this temple. The temple is also known as Bedi Hanuman Temple. The temple has an interesting story behind the name 'Bedi Hanuman'.

It is believed that Daria Mahavir protects Sankha kshetra Puri against the fury of the sea. It is Daria Mahavir's duty to see that the sea does not cross its limits and enter the peripheral boundaries of Puri. But when the Jagannath Temple was built, Varuna, the God of the Sea, able to came to the Jagannath temple to pay his respects. In the meantime sea water entered the city, causing considerable damage to the temple. The devotees prayed to Lord Jagannath who asked Hanuman to explain how the sea entered the city in his presence. Lord Hanuman told that he was not present at that time and was left for Ayodhya without informing him. On hearing about Lord Hanuman's unscheduled visit to Ayodhya, Lord Jagannath got his hands and feet tied with rope (bedi) and asked him to be vigilant on the sea shore day and night. Since his hands and feet tied with rope (bedi), he is known as 'Bedi Hanuman' or 'Chained Hanuman'. There is a popular belief that since then, the sea has not entered into the city.

descriptionPuri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?  - Page 2 EmptyRe: Puri Travel Guide পুরী ভ্রমন গাইড কোথায় কি দেখবেন ?

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