India : Introduction
India : Introduction 93-flag
India : Introduction 93

India's civilization stretches back at least 5,000 years and, remarkably, has been maintained to an extremely high level in the 20th century. Whereas other Asian nations have seen the decline of traditional culture, Indians, particularly those away from the major cities, maintain their traditional way of life. Thus, traveling to India is very much an unforgettable experience, as it is in many ways confronting to western notions. It is confronting when you set foot in Delhi, where pollution is likely to revolt you with its stench. And it is confronting when you notice Hindu's entrenched class system and ill-treated outcasts. But while India may send your Western ideas of humanity into torrents of outrage, it will also doubtlessly impress you with some of the less confronting aspects of Indian cultural heritage: the glorious Taj Mahal in Agra and dozens of other beautiful temples, the traditionally beautiful state of Kerala (often referred to as God's Own Country), rich cultural and architectural heritage in Rajasthan & Tamil Nadu, Indians' love for cricket and a cuisine that is simply superb.

With a population of over one billion, no single country is so multi-faceted and laden with contradictions. Culturally India might very well be the most diverse place in the world. India’s immensely varied art, history, religions, and traditions are organically woven together into an intricate tapestry. Its infinite variety favours you with different facets of fascination every time you visit. To travel in India is to expand one’s notion of the possible configurations of human society. Journeys to India can be complex and challenging, but they are always supremely rewarding.

There are so many aspects to India's personality and it is definitely a place of extremes and strange contrasts. For this reason it can be an overwhelming place, but never dull or predictable. You never know what fascinating sight may confront or astound you around the next corner. It can be quite mind boggling at times so you definitely need to do your research before you go and keep an open mind, plus take a good travel guidebook with you for reference along the way. Your attitude, dress code and behaviour will always have some bearing on how you are treated. As a tourist haggling for a good price is quite good fun and part of being in India. It won't take long before you have a good feel for what things should cost - often about a third of the starting price!! If both parties are happy with the price then the haggling should stop. It is an embarrassment to all concerned if relatively wealthy tourists end up haggling bitterly over just a few rupees. It should usually be a friendly exchange involving a bit of banter and reasoning rather than a fight.

If you wear tight or revealing clothing and are female, this will invite a lot more hassle and attention from local men. However, if you cover up and dress un-provocatively you may still not be able to avoid the stares and questioning 'eve-teasing' as it is referred to locally. Indian men seem to have quite fixed ideas about western women and in comparison to traditional Indian women men have much more freedom, are not chaperoned and so are more 'available' to Indian eyes. This kind of hassle can be annoying, but rarely threatening to women travelling alone.